Friday, September 18, 2009

Peony Painting

Like most people (most people I know, anyway), our household has a limited budget and an even more limited amount of wall space for art. So we try to wait for original works we really like, ones that don't just catch our eye but grab hold of us (or at least grab me).

I found one such piece recently and can't wait to share the newest addition, so....

It's another painting by the über-talented &mdash and unbelievably sweet &mdash Marcia Baldwin of Louisiana. If you've been to our house, you've likely seen Marcia's "Roses Are Red" painting, but when I saw another of her rich red paintings featuring my other favorite flower, well, I couldn't resist!

If you want to see more of Marcia's creations, please visit her on-line gallery at; you'll soon understand why so many of her original paintings are marked "SOLD"!

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